Apr 1, 2010

Japan... in 50 hours :)

In 50 hours I will be taking off from Vancouver headed to Japan :) I am suppper excited, and I'm not sure what to expect really. One of the things I am looking forward to is the beautiful scenery, and the history that is behind most of Japan. Not sure what else to write, im stoked tho :)

Mar 14, 2010

The Flow of Ideas

Sometimes I think that I will come and write in my blog but when I actually sit down, and try to write, my mind goes to a blank. What do I write about? So here goes... Sorry if it doesnt make sense, haha. Over the last couple of weeks we've been in the process of finding a horse to buy. "Horse Shopping" is not as easy as you think. Getting on a horse that youve never seen ridden before is a scary experiance. Sure, it looks calm in the feild, but never judge a book by its cover. Some horses are better on the trail, others in the arena. What your personally looking for is never easy to find. So you adapt. Maybe its not what you would like exactly, but its close. As close as you can get is the best you can do.

Mar 8, 2010

Enjoying The Simple Things

Sometimes, you never notice the little things. We get so worked up in what is going on around us, we forget to take a moment and smell the roses. In the last couple of days, I have noticed that; cedar trees smell sweeter when its raining, when it snows its really quiet (and you have to take advantage of that) and that moms and best friends will always be there for you no matter what has happened or what will happen (they always stand beside you). <3

Feb 26, 2010

Olympic Spirit!

When you get off the bus downtown, and walk a block, you imerge into a sea of red. As you look around you hear mass chants of  "CANADA, CANADA, CANADA". Flags wave in the night sky, and everyone is just pumped to be proud of Cananda. Downtown is like you've never seen before. People have pointed out that theres quite a bit of police, but it seems that they are just there to prevent dangerous riots and terrorist threats, everyone is still having a blast!! If every weekend was like these past two weeks, then Vancouver would be named Party Capital of The World. I am really excited for tomorw because, I will be going downtown. Im going to be joining into the festivities. And it shall be fuun :)

Feb 16, 2010

Dreams 9:02


They come and go,

Like rainbows.


Pursueing everything that you want,

and more.


Can get you so far,

Or can bring you back to where you were

If you never leap

If you never try

If you never Dream,

You will never know,

What it feels like to be free.

To Dream

Is to inspire

And be inspired

Its to play hockey,

Ride horses,

Go for gold,


If you try,

you are living your dream.

If you dream,

you love.

Love yourself,

Then love others.

To dream,

Is to realize the possibility's.

The possibility to conquer,

To win,

To love,

To inspire,

To stand for what you believe.


They start with a thought

And end with smiles,

Or never end.

Always Dream.

You can smell Spring in the air -- But it's Febuary?

Spring is here and its febuary? All the plants and animals must be really confused. I honestly dont think its should be 15 degrees in Febuuary!! But I love it!!! I say bring on the heat!! I miss summer like crazy!! I wish it was 30 degrees again, and I was super tanned!!!

Feb 13, 2010

Widen your Eyelids

Lately, Ive been listening to This Song. I really like it because well one: The band "Wilderness Crew" is from our town, and Two: Its just a great song. I have really been loving life!! I have been learning to live more, taking risks, doing what I love, hangng out with my besties, and just chillin can make you extreamly happy. The winter really isnt that bad, but summer is better!! Im suppper stoked for the summer and everything it comes with! Sea Cavs gunna be a blast, and so far 2010 is showing me I can live my dreamm. Im riding horses, which I love to do, Im passing all my classes, My family is all togeather, and i got my friends by my side. 2010 has showed me that altho life happens, we work around it and deal with what it brings. Everyday some new challange is presented to us, we just gotta deal with what happens!! Open your eyes, and you can see everything in a new way