Jan 10, 2010

Everything New

Everything New is so confusing
New paths
New lives
New friendships
Which way do you go?
Do you take a right on the highway of life?
Easy for you, but for another life? Tricky
Something I give out to easy,
Need to learn to rein it in,
All people aren't good!
New things change your life,
They can take an unexpected turn for the good,
or the bad.
Depending on which way you look at it.
Its all up to you,
You have power to change
How you feel in the morning, and the evening
How to treat tragedies, disasters,
happiness, joy,
privledges, advantages,
tools, games,
friendships, heartaches.
All these things you can control in someway,
We choose not to,
We want to take the easier path,
There is no "easy path"
Life is hard,
There's potholes in the road,
Little bumps that can stop you,
Dead in your Tracks.
Everything new,
Is not as it seems.