Feb 13, 2010

Widen your Eyelids

Lately, Ive been listening to This Song. I really like it because well one: The band "Wilderness Crew" is from our town, and Two: Its just a great song. I have really been loving life!! I have been learning to live more, taking risks, doing what I love, hangng out with my besties, and just chillin can make you extreamly happy. The winter really isnt that bad, but summer is better!! Im suppper stoked for the summer and everything it comes with! Sea Cavs gunna be a blast, and so far 2010 is showing me I can live my dreamm. Im riding horses, which I love to do, Im passing all my classes, My family is all togeather, and i got my friends by my side. 2010 has showed me that altho life happens, we work around it and deal with what it brings. Everyday some new challange is presented to us, we just gotta deal with what happens!! Open your eyes, and you can see everything in a new way