Jan 3, 2010

Taking The Road Less Traveled

Taking the road less traveled is not always the easiest thing to do. We live in a world that thrives on being busy and always having something on your mind. Somedays we just want to get away, to a place our mind can go free. Today was one of those days. So, we went on a walk and discovered life as it used to be.
We left our place and walked pretty much into our back yard (which is the powerlines). We had a basic idea of where we were going and set off west(ish). We came along a few obsitcles but mostly we were just going for the enjoyment of a walk. It turns out I have a great sense of navigation (my dad says it comes from his side of the family), and that our family likes to tresspass on properties (its not tresspassing unless its dark or someone has asked you to leave) and so we continued. We went through a Gravel Pit, and when we first came up to this Gravel Pit, I have to admit, I was scared. It had big cement blocks lining the powerlines and what looked like a gun station. But all ended up well. We kept walking and then came across a place for old cars and trailers and trucks, we kept walking up and we knew that we were roughly looking for the old japanese fishing dam, which is on Chaster Creek. We did find the creek but it was to steep to go down. And so we kept walking... We ended up finding an old pioneer cemetary. This cemetary was full of magic, I could just feel it when we walked by. There were many old graves. Some dated back to the death being in the arly 1920's. Some were only two years ago. But today, we took the road less traveled and found a wonderful place that looks like it might have been forgotten.

Heres a picture from one of our previous walks;

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