Jan 23, 2010

Vancouver 2010 Olympics, Whistler, Cypress, Downtown, The Lower Mainland ( My General Thoughts About These Places and Events)

This weekend I went to Vancouver. Things have changed since, say, 3 years ago. After the Olypimcs were scheduled Vancouver went into a mad frenzy to clean up the city and make it ready for the worldnor something like that. Well, they've done it. Vancouver is now sporting the olympic mascots on every free space of bulding, bus, and billbord. They have re-constructed the Sea to Sky highway, they have made live sites in Yaletown, and Downtown. They have printed the hugest Canadian Leaf's and put them allover the place, and they have wrapped the Art Gallery in a beautiful tapestry. As I have been listening to the news, I have noticed that one problem that seems to keep coming up, and that would be the lack of snow. Thats right. This winter decided to be nice and warm. The Olympic people must be freaking out. So we have options, right now they(being the snow people) are stock piling all the snow on top of the mountain. But it looks extremely bare up there. So, we have options. Move it Whistler is what I think, more snow, colder, lots of resturants and pubs. Theres always the issue I guess of all the scaffolding that they built, but whistler has all of that. If we are going to have athelets from all over the world here, then why dont we put them on the best snow we got close to Vancouver? I think that the Olympics willl be spectatular, and im excited to see how they deal with things like that as they come. While we were in Vancouver, we visited Richmond. Richmond is the most confusing town with all of its by-passes, and exits, and big buildings, thank gosh for iPhones!!! We woulda gotten pretty lost!! Well Vancouver sure has changed for the Olympics, and I know that its worth it! It should be pretty spectactular!!

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